In the past 15 years Leigh Simons Productions has produced over 40 Pay-Per-View campaigns for some of the biggest fighters in boxing history, including Oscar de la Hoya, Floyd Mayweather, Manny Pacquiao, Bernard Hopkins, and more, generating over a billion dollars in PPV revenue.
Bellator NYC
Making of Canelo Vs. Chavez Jr. Commercial
Canelo vs. Smith Commercial
Countdown to Canelo vs. Khan
Countdown to Mayweather vs. Canelo
Who is the One? Mayweather vs. Canelo
Who are you Picking to be the One? Mayweather vs. Canelo
Mayweather vs. Mosley Commercial
Behind the Scenes Countdown to Mayweather vs. Mosley
Countdown to Mayweather vs. Mosley
Mayweather vs. Maidana Press Opener
Mayweather vs. Maidana Commercial
Countdown to Mayweather Maidana Segment 1
Countdown to Mayweather Maidana Segment 2
Floyd Mayweather is Half a B
Honor and Glory Canelo vs. Lara
Canelo vs. Angulo Press Opener
Countdown to May Day: Mayweather vs. Guerrero
Countdown to Mayweather vs. Cotto
Ring Kings: Mayweather vs. Cotto Commercial
Star Power: Mayweather vs. Ortiz Commercial
Star Power: Countdown to Mayweather vs. Ortiz Segment 1